Don't want to give out your personal telephone number and need a virtual telephone number to use with your Craigslist ads?
We have your solution for as little as $4.95/mo!
As a rental property owner and an occasional Craigslist seller, I never publish my home telephone or cellular number on Craigslist. Every couple years, I find myself needing to rent my rental home to a new tenant and/or I want to sell an item on Craigslist. Yes I can use the anonymous Craigslist email but there are times when I am renting or selling something and I want to give prospective buyers the ability to speak with me direct without giving them my personal telephone number. As the owner of DTC I have designed a service specifically for you based on my personal needs.
With DTC there is no need to give out your cell phone or home phone number. You will get a (206) Seattle voice mail telephone number that is a virtual telephone number and a voice mail service. This telephone number will forward Craigslist prospective buyers to your cell phone or home phone when you want to take calls or you can set it to voice mail where it will take messages for you that you can retrieve later at your leisure. We also have a message notification option on the voice mail that will notify you via your cell phone when you have it set for voice mail and a message is left.
What I have described here is the service in it's simplest form. We can custom program the service around your specific needs. Maybe you want to give callers the option of listening to information by pressing 1,2 or 3. then give them the option of speaking with you or leaving you a message or return them back to the main menu to select info on other options. Maybe you need to prequalify callers first with a questionnaire before leaving you a message or transferring to you.
Personally I use a questionnaire format when I'm renting out my rental home. When the number I've published is called, I ask the prospective tenant a few questions. The caller hears my introduction letting them know that I will be asking them 4 questions. After hearing the first question the caller will record their answer then press any key to move to the next question. When they get to the end of the questionnaire they are given the opportunity to review their answers and send the message or edit their answers before sending me the message. I then get notified of the message and I hear the answers one after the other as a single message. I've custom designed this service around my needs and have been using it for 10 plus years now and I know it will work for you too.
If you try to get a voice mail only telephone number from the phone company or Comcast they will require you to pay for dial tone service as well. That can be expensive. With DTC your cost is a fraction of what they charge.
Annual, Monthly and Onetime use plans are available.
Call Robert @ 206-442-1010 to get a quote.
What you get with the basic service
A Seattle telephone number for you to use as you wish
Voice mail service
The ability to direct callers live to your home or cell phone or set it to just take messages. Any time of day 24/7
The option of having the voice mail system notify you of messages when you are in voice mail mode via your cell phone or pager.
If you need a service that is more advanced, feel free to call me direct with your specific requirements.