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Voice, Data, Computer Network and Coax Video Cabling

In Business Since 1989

Diversified TeleCom is a telephone, computer network (CAT 5, 6, 7, & Fiber Optic), and coax cabler. 


From server rooms, to office cabling, to cable termination and certification, to your workstations and desks, and surveillance, we can do it all for your company.


Call us today for your free site survey and quotation.





Home Depot neserver room work

Bellevue Medical Imaging


Before and after DTC their hands on it

midsize company server cabinet installation

A clean voice and data cabling installation for a midsize customer 

diversified telecom server rack clean up before
diversified telecom server rack clean up after
divesified telecom DTC phone system installation
diversified telecom DTC phone and network installation
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